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“AiQp BXYôn SiQõ ]ôu\û]
GiQõ úVùRôZ RõiQm CuTúU”

“UiQõp SpXYiQm YôZXôm ûYLím
GiQõp SpXL¾dá VôçúUôo áû\YõûXd
LiQõp SpX@çñe LïUX Y[SLol
ùTiQõp SpXôù[ôåm ùTìkRûL CìkRúR”

úRYôWm GuTç úRY BWm Guñ ùTôìs. Rõìêû\ GuTç RõìYôLõV Cû\Yû] êû\VôL TôåYç. ¾ìêû\Ls, 10 Bm Öt\ôi¼p CWô_Wô_ úNôZÉu BhºÂu úTôç ºRmTWj¾p LiùPådLlThPç. AûR SmÀVôiPôo SmÀ ùRôájRôo. ¾ìêû\Ls TZkRÁr CûNûV Jh¼úV TiLðPu Auñ êRp Cuñ YûW TôPlùTtñ Yì¸u\].

  • 1, 2, 3 Bm ¾ìêû\Ls ¾ìOô]NmTkRo ãYôÁLs Tô¼V ¾ìdLûPdLôlé.
  • 4, 5, 6 Bm ¾ìêû\Ls ¾ìSôîdLWã ãYôÁLs Tô¼V úRYôWm.
  • 7 Bm ¾ìêû\ ãkRW Øoj¾ ãYôÁLs Tô¼V ¾ìlTôhå.
  • 8 Bm ¾ìêû\ Uô½dLYôNLWôp TôPlùTt\ ¾ìYôNLm Utñm ¾ìdúLôûYVôo.
  • 9 Bm ¾ìêû\ ¾ìUôÇûLjúRYo, úNkR]ôo EsÇhúPôo Tô¼V ¾ìÅûNlTô.
  • 10 Bm ¾ìêû\ ¾ìØXWôp TôPlùTt\ ¾ìUk¾Wm.
  • 11 Bm ¾ìêû\ ¾ìYôXYôëûPVôo EsÇhP TuÉìYo Tô¼V T¾ù]ôWôm ¾ìêû\.
  • 12 Bm ¾ìêû\ úNd¸Zôo Tô¼V ùTÃVéWôQm. 12 ¾ìêû\Ls ùUôjRm 18349 TôPpLs APe¸VûY.

¾ìléLr GuTç êìLu éLúZ. AìQ¸ÃSôRo 16000 TôPpLs ùLôiPj ¾ìléLûZl Tô¼ës[ôo. B]ôp SUdád ¸ûPjRûY 1310 TôPpLs UhåúU.

“¿û]jR ùRjRû]Ât \Y\ôUp
¿ûXjR éj¾Rû]l ÀÃVôUt
L]jR RjçYêt \ÆVôUt
L¾jR ¿j¾V ºjç AìsYô¸V”
-AìQ¸ÃSôRo ¾ìléLr

“YN] ÁL úYtÈ U\YôúR
U]ç çV WôtÈ íZXôúR
CLTW ùN[Tôd¸VUìsYôúV”
-AìQ¸ÃSôRo ¾ìléLr

LÄëLd LPî[ô] LkRùTìUôû] Sôm ¾ìléLr ùLôiå Tô¼]ôp U]jçVo ¨eám, ¿û]jRç AjRû]ëm ¸ûPdám, ¿ûXjR, ùRÇYô] éj¾ëm, RåUô\ôR Gu]f ºkRû]ëm, ¿j¾V Sp L¾ëm, AÈîm ¸ûPdám. CLUô¸V CqîX¸ím, TWUô¸V úUp EX¸ím SpX ùN[Tôd¸Vm ¸ûPdám.




It is sufficient if one lends his ears by attending his religious literature discourse.
It is sufficient if one be a part of his religious literature discourse, which kindles the spirit of devotion in his heart and elevates him to the presence of the Almighty within, and he can practice these only by the Grace of Almighty.

Many learned men say, “You catch hold of Tamil Literature and it leads you to the Divine Presence”. Few among such great divine scriptures are Thevaram & Thirupugal.

The Great Shaivam Saints, have sung the Holy Hymns, Thirumurai in great spiritual wisdom, seeking the ultimate truth, SHIVAM. These splendid powerful songs and their unaltered devotion to Lord Shiva, being the base of the hymns, gives a great cure for the hurdles in life. It’s wise for one to seek Thevaram, which apart from giving earthly boons would simultaneously lead one to the path towards the PARAM PORUL, Lord Shiva. Thirumurai is a collection of 12 scriptures.

  • 1st, 2nd, 3rd Thirumurai by Gnana Sambandar.
  • 4th, 5th, 6th Thirumurai by Thirunavukarasar.
  • 7th Thirumurai by Sundaramoorthy Swamigal.
  • 8th Thiruvasagam, Thirukovaiyar  by Manickavasagar.
  • 9th Thirumurai by Thirumaligai Devar, Sethanar and others.
  • 10th Thirumandhiram by Thirumoolar.
  • 11th Thirumurai by Thiru Alavai Udaiyar and others.
  • 12th Periyapuranam by Chekkilar.

Thirupugal was authored by a Great Murugan devotee, Saint Arunagirinathar. He authored 16000 songs in Thirupugal on Lord Murugan, out of which only 1310 are available with us. Anyone who recites Thirupugal is blessed with all the earthly boons and liberates one from repeated life and death cycles.

Praise on supreme power is an essential part of the connection between humans and the divine force. It brings refinement in our evolution. It’s a significant path to our spiritual growth. Practicing Thevaram & Thirupugal gives Knowledge, Clarity, Health, Wealth, Wisdom, and connects us with SHIVAM.


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úRYôWm RûXléLs:

1, 2, 3 Bm ¾ìêû\Ls ¾ìOô]NmTkRo ãYôÁLs Tô¼V ¾ìdLûPdLôlé.
4, 5, 6 Bm ¾ìêû\Ls ¾ìSôîdLWã ãYôÁLs Tô¼V úRYôWm.
7 Bm ¾ìêû\ ãkRW Øoj¾ ãYôÁLs Tô¼V ¾ìlTôhå.
8 Bm ¾ìêû\ Uô½dLYôNLWôp TôPlùTt\ ¾ìYôNLm Utñm ¾ìdúLôûYVôo.
9 Bm ¾ìêû\ ¾ìUôÇûLjúRYo, úNkR]ôo EsÇhúPôo Tô¼V ¾ìÅûNlTô.
10 Bm ¾ìêû\ ¾ìØXWôp TôPlùTt\ ¾ìUk¾Wm.
11 Bm ¾ìêû\ ¾ìYôXYôëûPVôo EsÇhP TuÉìYo Tô¼V T¾ù]ôWôm ¾ìêû\.
12 Bm ¾ìêû\ úNd¸Zôo Tô¼V ùTÃVéWôQm.

¾ìléLr RûXléLs:

TûP®hå TôPpLs
TgN×RvRXm TôPpLs
ùTôç TôPpLs

Our Courses

Thevaram topics covered:

1st, 2nd, 3rd Thirumurai by Gnana Sambandar.
4th, 5th, 6th Thirumurai by Thirunavukarasar.
7th Thirumurai by Sundaramoorthy Swamigal.
8th Thiruvasagam, Thirukovaiyar by Manickavasagar.
9th Thirumurai by Thirumaligai Devar, Sethanar and others.
10th Thirumandhiram by Thirumoolar.
11th Thirumurai by Thiru Alavai Udaiyar and others.
12th Periyapuranam by Chekkilar.

Thirupugal topics covered:

Vinayagar Vanakkam
Padai Veettu Padalgal
Panchaboothasthalam Padalgal
Podhu Padalgal
